Wednesday, 20 March 2013

More Snippets of Coursework

So I made a post quite a few months ago showing off some of my photography work which contributed towards my art coursework. Today I'll be posting the rest of it all both from my first year which was set around fairytales and the second year which was based on the combination of people and nature.

Fairytale (2011)

Little Red:

Snow White: 

Floral (2012)

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Film Review: Ruby Sparks

Just a heads up, there will be spoilers throughout this, like a lot of spoilers. So if you don't like spoilers I suggest you close this page now and don't read ahead.

In case you haven't seen the movie yet, or have never even heard of it, the basic plot begins with writer, Calvin Weir-Fields, caught in a constant writer's block ever since the successful publication of his first novel (when he was 19). Since then he has been going to therapy to try and resolve the problem, and his therapist tells him to write a story about someone who likes his dog just the way he is; Calvin's dog Scotty is scared of strangers and also pees like a female dog (something Calvin finds embarrassing). Ruby appears to him in a dream where the task his therapist had set him is conjured. He gradually becomes more and more obsessed with her, describing the specific details of her background story and personality traits; he tells his therapist he's even falling in love with her. Then Ruby becomes real. The story then follows Calvin's struggle with morality, possession and obsession; all surrounding Ruby Sparks.

So Ruby Sparks...where should I even begin...? Well I loved the plot and the concept of control and manipulation in relationships. The ability to practically make a person do what you want, whenever you want, and the effect this has on both the manipulator and the manipulated. I love how as the movie gradually went on, everything got darker and darker with the climax scene of Calvin revealing to Ruby that he can control her. It was superbly well done, it could have been absolutely ridiculous; especially when he makes her act like a dog. But with the quick cuts between shots, the build up of tension as the scene goes on, and the horrified expressions on both actor's faces really makes this scene the darkest and most terrifying in the movie. My heart was absolutely racing throughout.

It also attacks the concept of a person's 'ideal' partner. The 'perfect' person who embodies all of these traits that you want in someone, yet if they go against this ideal for even a moment, the other doesn't like this and tries to manipulate things to go back to how they believe the person should be. This is an unhealthy relationship. A person cannot force someone to be how they want them to be. The movie depicts this amazingly; as soon as Ruby starts to exhibit signs of making her own choices and decisions, basically developing free will, she becomes someone Calvin doesn't like. It creates conflict in the relationship because she is becoming her own person. In order to counteract this, Calvin starts manipulating her again; he makes her unable to live without him, and then become ridiculously happy all the time, and then back to how she was before. This makes her become practically bipolar, although the subject isn't touched upon as heavily as it could have been, it is mentioned briefly when Ruby comments on how her emotions have been unstable.

The heavy representation of abusive relationships throughout is something I found unexpected; now there is no physical abuse, unless you count the part where Calvin roughly grabs Ruby's arm after being caught in her underwear with another man in a pool.(I will delve into the dialogue in this scene as it also discusses slut-shaming). What Calvin does to Ruby is mental abuse; he makes her develop a bipolar disorder, as mentioned beforehand, by tampering with her emotions and then in the climax of the scene where it is revealed to her that he can control her, practically traumatises her with the knowledge and also the forced actions enacted by Calvin. The movie itself is unsettling and it should make you feel uncomfortable to watch.

The pool scene where Calvin brings out his slut shaming attitude moreso is one of the scenes that really caught my attention. After finding Ruby in her underwear, about to get into a pool with another man, Calvin becomes livid. Does he cling to women because of the fact his mother left his father; he even regards his mother as a "heartless slut" at the beginning of the movie. Calvin is a misogynist and a slut-shamer who hides all this behind his apparent love for women. He's controlling because he can't stand the thought of being left by someone as his mother did to his father. He hates women like his mother. And as soon as it appears Ruby may be leaving him, or is flirting with other men, the manipulative, sexist part of him comes out.

Calvin: "Do want to know my rules? Don't fuck other men. Don't let them think about fucking you."
Ruby: "So now I'm responsible for what other people are thinking?"
Calvin: "Yes you are responsible when you act a certain way, it leads people on. When you take your clothes off at a party, it makes people think you're a slut so I'd really prefer if you didn't do that, is that clear enough for you?" 

I liked Calvin's character at the beginning of the movie but as he becomes corrupted by the power and control he has over Ruby, I found myself disliking him more and more. I also hated the hint that at the end he is able to have a second chance with Ruby, which I felt is something he does not deserve nor the character himself should pursue. We'll never know however if they do end up back together, yet knowing that Ruby has no idea what Calvin had done to her in the past is somewhat demeaning. Removing her knowledge of him is something Calvin had no right to do. He never asked her if she didn't want to remember. He felt that it was the right decision. But what if she had the choice and she did want to remember? Isn't that something she has the right to? But no, she is not given that choice, like with the rest of what Calvin had done to her in the past. He uses his last moment of control to erase the memories of him because he probably couldn't stand the fact that someone he 'loved' had seen him at his worst and rejected him for it.

Now onto Ruby Sparks, casting that sexist 'Manic Pixie Dream Girl' notion aside (which I find absolutely ridiculous, as well as the term 'Mary Sue'), Ruby does have depth to her. She's emotional, as Calvin made her be, she's rebellious, spontaneous and has that 'to hell with it' attitude. At moments I did find her rather irritating; she tends to forget about other people's feelings and how her actions could affect others. But that's her character. She jumps into things and then thinks things through afterwards. She's an action before thought person. I suppose that's what makes her an interesting character because you don't know what she's going to do next. She's not perfect. No character or person ever is. And that's what Calvin couldn't handle; the flaws of her personality, or what he believes to be flaws that he so desperately changes.

Overall, I give it a rating of 8/10.

Peace out readers!
-Natasha xx

Monday, 18 February 2013

Website Spotlight: is a blog showing a series of portraits of people in their bedrooms.

To me a bedroom is a very secretive and personal place and I rarely let people into mine. So to see other people's is interesting. You can pick up on certain quirks and how it reflects their personality. Whether or not they are an organised messy person or just plain messy...

Bedrooms are a person's 'safe place'. We let our defenses down in bedrooms for example we sleep in them because we are comfortable and relaxed. We don't feel threatened or vulnerable. This is because we associate our bedrooms as a place of solitude and privacy. We can be ourselves in them. Inviting someone into a bedroom, as I mentioned beforehand, is making yourself vulnerable, and allowing them to explore a personal space is like having them explore your mind.

whatsinyourbedroom brings out the creative side in me as I analyse the layout, how they've decorated the room, whether or not there is a particular colour scheme, the small intricate details etc. It could also help others who are decorating there room to come up with ideas. So yes I am in love with this blog and I hope you will be too.

Peace out readers!
-Natasha xx

Monday, 11 February 2013

The Search for a Bike

In the last month I have decided that by September this year I will have to start cycling around to get to and from my lectures for university. This is because, whilst the house we are going to rent is not horrifically far, it is over a half hour walk alone, and I just don't feel like carrying piles of books for that long when I have to get an essay done (curse me for taking english literature). So I've been researching and researching, looking through women's bike blogs as I would like a traditional classic/dutch bike. And now I've got it down to two.
It's either going to be:

-The Pashley Poppy (£450)


-The Bobbin Brownie (£350)

My heart is set on a Pashley, but I have the feeling with money being tight at the moment, and in the future, that I'll have to go with a Bobbin Brownie. It's not a huge downer, the Bobbin Brownie is a gorgeous bike, plus it does have more gears which is helpful as Winchester is rather hilly. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Actor Spotlight: Aidan Turner

Now if you've seen 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey', you may know who I am talking about. Aidan Turner has been acting for quite a while now, according to Wikipedia, since 2007. Now I didn't know who he was until 'The Hobbit' as I'm sure many of you may not have either.  The way he has played Kili is what caught my attention: he's a lovable, joyful, foolish yet fantastically brave warrior and Aidan has really built this character up. In the novel he's more of a side character thus preventing any characterisation.

Aiden Turner as Kili in 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'

Now after I had seen 'The Hobbit', I do my research as per usual on actors who have caught my eye and learn more about them and find other shows/movies they have been in. I found 'Being Human', the name of the show sounded familiar and I remembered how one of my friends had recommended it to me a few years ago but for some reason I put it off; something I constantly berate and curse myself for. Aidan plays the character Mitchell, a vampire, and he's truly remarkable in it.

Aiden Turner as Mitchell in 'Being Human'

The lore behind vampires has always intrigued me and often characters who are so flawed and worn down fascinate me even more so this combination ruined me (I mean this is a brilliant way). I've got through series one so far and barely recovered emotionally after so I had to force myself to have a break from it. The other actors, Lenora Crichlow and Russell Tovey are also fantastic and if anything I love their characters, George and Annie, just as much as Mitchell. (I'll review this show once I've finished all the seasons)
So through this break I found something else to watch with Aidan in it, and that was 'Desperate Romantics'. Now I love period dramas and to have a show set around artists, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, is just a huge bonus for me. In fact it's got me drawing more than ever.... Anyway, back to the main topic: I always find that the characters who make me jump from loving to hating them, and then back and forth throughout are my favourites, and of course this was Aidan Turner's character; Dante Gabriel Rossetti. I mean you can't help but be frustrated by his character's choices and how you can't tell who he genuinely loves and is constantly flitting back and forth between women.

Aiden Turner as Dante Gabriel Rossetti in 'Desperate Romantics'

I look forward to the future Hobbit movies and the rest of Aiden Turner's career. I can tell it will be a wonderful one.

Peace out readers!
-Natasha xx

Long Break

Hello whoever comes across this post. You may have noticed the big break in between this and the last post. Well, as usual I procrastinated throughout my first semester of university thus all assignments were done either a few days/the night before, or the same day they were due. Therefore I had no time to make any new posts. Then the holidays came along, and I know I could've done some posts of some sort but I had barely seen my family in the 3/4 months I was at university therefore I spent as much time with them as possible. But now it's a new year. 2013! (13 is my favourite number so I have high hopes for this year...) I'll be applying for internships at magazines for the summer so I won't spend my days wasting away on my bed with my laptop by my side as always. The next few posts will be reviews/recommendations and such as I've discovered many new things over the holidays. I better go now. My lecture begins in 15 minutes.

Peace out reader!
-Natasha xx